
FTC : Fraude afecta comunidades étnicas en Wisconsin

Por Mariella Godinez Milwaukee, Wis.  El Federal Trade Commison realizó el martes 18 de Junio,   una Convocatoria de la FTC sobre fraude que afecta a comunidades étnicas en Milwaukee, en la Biblioteca pública del parque Washington,...

¿Se ‘Dolarizará’ La Economía Argentina?

Roberto A. Nodal Mas de 1 4 millones de argentinos, o sea 56 por ciento del electorado, acaban de elegir a Javier Milei como su nuevo presidente, en respuesta a los graves problemas y la astronómica tasa inflacionaria que desde hace tiempo viene...

Siebert Lutheran Foundation Implements New Approach to Philanthropy in Wisconsin

Milwaukee – Thirty-one donors committed more than $182,000 in funding to 13 grantee partners at Siebert Lutheran Foundation’s fourth annual Collaborators’ Event on Nov. 9 at the Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin Milwaukee food distribution...

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee Host Annual Holiday Gift Drive

MILWAUKEE– Boys &; Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee (BGCGM) is hosting its annual Holiday Gift Driv e, presented by JP Morgan Chase and Co. The goal of t he drive is to ensure every BGCGM Club member receive a new gift this holiday season....

Pilot Effort Comes to Murray Hill this Winter

Winter weather and snow have arrived in Milwaukee, and Alderperson Jonathan Brostoff is calling on residents of Murray Hill an d Milwaukee’s East Side to participate in a new grassroots effort this winter. Corner Keepers are neighborhood volunteers...

President Pérez to Co-host Roundtable with U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce

TODAY - - U.S. Deputy Commerce Secretary Don Graves, with nonprofit and private sector leaders to discuss the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to support the fast-growing Latino community in Wisconsin. The meeting at City Hall (200 E. Wells...
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Wisconsin News Briefs

Residents invited to 14th District town hall meeting on Saturday, February 11 Alderwoman Marina Dimitrijevic is inviting area residents to attend the first District 14 town hall meeting of 2023 on Saturday, February 11 beginning...

Los Tres Socios de la Maldad

Roberto A. Nodal En dias pasados  nuevamente quedó mas que clara la sintonía entre Corea del Norte, Rusia y China al conmemorarse, el pasado 27 de julio, el 70 aniversario de la  conclusión de la sangrienta Guerra de Corea...