Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th. Polls are open from 7:00am to 8:00pm. If you are in line by 8:00pm you have the right to cast a ballot.

But increasingly, voters are not waiting until Election Day to make their voice, and their choice, heard. Early voting is widely accessible across Wisconsin – including in Milwaukee and Madison. As of October 24th, more than 250,000 Wisconsinites have already cast their ballot. More than 37,000 Milwaukee county residents and more than 36,000 Dane county residents have already cast their ballot.

These early voters in Wisconsin are among the more than 6 million Americans who have already taken advantage of early voting.

The ease of early voting, which is currently available every single day until November 4th, including weekends, leaves no excuse for not letting your voice be heard in this election. Voters working multiple jobs or juggling school and kids can vote on their schedule, just in case something comes up on Election Day that prevents you from exercising your democratic right.

For the two largest counties in the state, Milwaukee and Dane, voter participation has lagged behind that of other communities. There is a remedy to the frustration those in urban areas often feel over the policies enacted by elected officials, turn out to vote and then get your friends and neighbors to do the same.

In 2012, voter participation in Milwaukee ranked just 26th out of 72 counties across Wisconsin. Simply put, voters in urban areas do not vote as frequently as those in more rural areas.

As communities in urban areas continue to struggle with joblessness, lack of access to quality transportation, and grow increasingly concerned about the quality of drinking water, the burden of student loan debt and much more, it is incumbent upon all of us to do more than worry. Worrying won’t get us anywhere, but stepping up and demanding more of our elected officials and making choices that reflect our values, priorities, and the policies we support can.

After one of the most grueling campaign seasons in American history, the choices before voters are clear. Now is the time for choosing. So whether you join the millions of Americans who will vote before Election Day, or exercise your constitutional right on Election Day, make sure you vote. It’s the best way to make your voice be heard.

For more information about when and where to early vote visit www.myvote.wi.gov , a photo ID is required to vote.