On Immigration Bush and Rubio No Better Than Trump and Carson
Wisconsin – Right from the onset the GOP presidential candidate field found a way to be offensive and out-of-touch on immigration with front-runner Donald Trump leading the way.
Despite their bickering, it’s clear: every candidate on stage is against a pathway to citizenship and out-of-touch with the American people.
Bush Called For Better Enforcement Against “Anchor Babies”
Jeb Bush said: “If There’s Abuse, If People Are Bringing — Pregnant Women Are Coming In To Have Babies Simply Because They Can Do It, Then There Ought To Be Greater Enforcement. That’s [The] Legitimate Side Of This. Better Enforcement So That You Don’t Have These, You Know, ‘Anchor Babies’, As They’re Described, Coming Into The Country.”
Jeb Bush doesn’t want birthright citizenship to go away, but he is calling for stronger enforcement for people.
According to the Washington Times, “During an interview Wednesday with the New Hampshire Union Leader in Manchester, Mr. Bush was asked whether he supported a pathway to full citizenship. He replied, ‘No.’ ‘What do we do with the 11 million people here? I think the answer is earned legal status,’ he said.”
Jeb Bush said he would undo the DACA And DAPA Executive Orders. According to Talking Points Memo, “Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush told a conservative radio host he would undo President Barack Obama’s executive actions to let some five million people temporarily stay in the country if he’s elected president. The following exchange occurred Tuesday when Bush appeared on the Michael Medved show: Medved: Would you undo his executive orders on immigration? Bush: The DACA and DAPA? Yes, I would.” [Talking Points Memo, 4/22/15].
November 2015: Marco Rubio On DACA, “It Will End. It Cannot Be The Permanent Policy Of The United States.”
Marco Rubio a U.S. senator from Florida, made the comment about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA, program in response to a reporter’s question while campaigning in the early primary state. ‘DACA is going to end and the ideal way for it to end is that it’s replaced by a reform system that creates an alternative,’Rubio said.
According to BuzzFeed: Rubio “Made Clear” That The DACA Program Should Be Terminated. According to BuzzFeed, “Sen. Marco Rubio Wednesday called the Obama administration’s efforts to provide so-called DREAMers with deferred deportation ‘ridiculous’ and insisted the controversial program must come to an end. The House earlier this month voted to end Obama’s 2012 executive order creating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — which delays deportation of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children. While the Florida Republican said he does not believe Congress should simply undo the existing temporary deportation deferments granted under DACA, he made clear the program must be terminated. ‘The 2012 order has to come to end at some point. That executive order will expire at the end of this presidency … that cannot be the permanent policy of the United States. I think it was wrong to make that decision in the first place,’ Rubio said during a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.” [BuzzFeed,1/21/15].