When it comes to being sexually active, how much pressure do teenagers feel today, especially when you consider the music, the TV shows, and the movies he/she is exposed to? Even “Kid Friendly” TV is inundated with sexual innuendo nowadays. What about their friends and classmates? Are any of them sexually active? If so, what are they sharing with the teenagers you know?
Today’s teenagers are facing more sexual pressures than you did at their age. With all the recent media cases revealing how often sexual activity and sexual assaults happen to middle school and high school students (especially at parties where alcohol is present), our communities and our schools must be much more pro-active with protecting our kids and students.
Imagine if you had the power to stop one student from being raped this year. You do. On Thursday, April 26, at 8 a.m. (high school) and 10 a.m. (middle school) Harborside Academy is bringing the critically acclaimed program titled “Safer Choices: A Candid Look at Dating, Communication, Respect, & Sexual Assault” to our students.
In this hard-hitting and interactive program, both males and females will discover the power of “Asking First”; how to “Be a Friend” when alcohol and sexual pressures are combined together at parties and friends’ houses; and how to support survivors of sexual assault who are in our schools.
The results from The DATE SAFE Project’s “Safer Choices” presentations are remarkable. After the presentation, students share that more than twice as many of them would slow down and talk in detail with a partner before in engaging in intimacy; not be intimate with a partner who has been drinking; will wait till they are the appropriate age to engage in such behavior; and will intervene when someone is trying to hook-up with someone who has been drinking. Plus, students say the amount of sexual activity would greatly decrease based on using these simple tools in their lives. Survivors in the audience have stated, “I wish someone had told me this because I never thought I had a choice!”
Known for an interactive, humorous, and hard-hitting approach with students, The DATE SAFE Project inspires by providing realistic solutions to difficult conversations. The Founder of The DATE SAFE Project, Mike Domitrz’s, critically-acclaimed book, “May I Kiss You? A Candid Look at Dating, Communication, Respect, & Sexual Assault Awareness” is being used as a model by people of all ages around the world. Inspired by the strength of Domitrz’ssister after she survived being sexually assaulted, The DATE SAFE Project travels the world in schools and for the US Military sharing with people of all lifestyles and backgrounds. Their DVD and book set for parents titled “Help! My Teen is Dating. Real Solutions to Tough Conversations” is hailed as a “Must Have” in every household in America. The DATE SAFE Project’s solution-based materials (books, DVDs, educational posters, and much more) are used by parents, middle schools, high schools, colleges, and the military on bases around the globe.
To learn more about The DATE SAFE Project’s upcoming presentation of the “Safer Choices” program, call Bill Haithcock with Harborside Academy at (262) 359-8400. If you would like to interview Mike Domitrz, he is always happy to accommodate the Media and News at (800) 329-9390. To inquire about taking a photo or any video shots at the school on April 26th, contact Bill Haithcock at Harborside Academy. You can learn a great deal about Mike at www.DateSafeProject.org (including visiting his online “Media & News Room”).