by Roberto Ruiz
Wisconsin welcomes one of the most entertaining and interactive circus acts to town this week. Performing at the State Fairgrounds until the 21st, the UniverSoul circus is comprised of many exciting Latino acts including a high wire act, a globe of death, trick dogs, elephants, and men of steel.
Circuses have been around for ages, but this circus based out of Atlanta, Georgia has been a breath of fresh air as it tours around the country. No matter where they go, everyone raves about the audience interaction; you feel like you are part of the circus.
Juan Olate of the Olate family has been in the entertainment business in the United States for 16 years, and he loves every minute of his job. Juan works specifically with the trick dogs, and he considers each dog a member of his family. “I love to entertain crowds, I love to see their reactions, I really just love everything about performing,” said Olate when asked why he has performed for so long. He later went on to explain that performing runs in his family, backing that claim up by mentioning his uncle who, along with his dogs, won the popular talent show America’s Got Talent in 2012. Olate, who was born in Chile, mentioned that he is very excited for “Latino night” on Friday, September 19th.
Willy Meza is a daredevil of the highest order. He not only performs during the high wire act, but also is one of the motorcycle riders in the “Globe of Death.” Meza has been performing for 25 years and hails from Colombia.
Latino night will be a party. With additional Latino acts like Abel Driggs, a native of Cuba, showing off his skills on the Cuban Pole, and Jorge Barreda, a Colombian native, performing with Elephants, this even is the definition of a can’t miss for the Latino community.
With a 4.6 out of 5 star rating on Ticketmaster and tickets selling for as little as $23, this is a must see event. The UniverSoul Circus will be performing in West Allis, WI, at the State Fairgrounds throughout the weekend.