MILWAUKEE – The Show Dome will be awash in purples for “Ultra Violet,” the summer floral show, opening June 10, from 9 a.m.–4 p.m., at The Domes, 524 S. Layton Blvd. The show runs through Sept. 10.
Contributing to the full range of violet hues will be Persian Shield, Petunia ‘Dreams Midnight,’ Vinca ‘Jams ’N Jellies Blueberry,’ Angelonia ‘Serena Blue,’ Impatiens ‘SunPatiens’ Lavender, ‘Purple Flash’ Ornamental Peppers, Tibouchina shrubs with grape-colored flowers, and Heliotrope ‘Blue Marino.’ For contrast, Dusty Miller ‘Silverdust’ will be used.
Abstract sculptures, inspired by plant forms and The Domes themselves, will add more purple hues to the landscape. One sculpture resembles the twisted stems and leaves of verbena; another, the structure of The Domes; another, the framework surrounding the glass panels of The Domes. All are made from up-cycled materials found at The Domes, such as plant trays, old greenhouse racks, shelves, window frames, and gardening supplies.
Two special events are planned during the show’s run.
National Pollinator Week Camp
From June 19–23, The Domes will celebrate the work of pollinator heroes—from bees and butterflies to bats and other mammals. Each morning from 9 a.m.–noon, visitors will be invited to ask questions and to learn methods to help protect hard-working local pollinators.
Each day will have a new theme, activity, and craft. The pollinator heroes for June 19 are The Unhuggables (insects, lizards, and more); June 20, Butterflies and Moths; June 21, Birds; June 22, Bees; and June 23, Mammals.
The event is included with regular admission and is free to members of Friends of The Domes.
Wisconsin Bat Festival
August 26, from 9 a.m.–5 p.m., the Wisconsin Bat Festival is coming to The Domes, and from 7–9 p.m., a panel of bat researchers will discuss the latest topics and lead a bat-monitoring walk in Mitchell Park.
The event of the Wisconsin Bat Program, in partnership with the Mitchell Park Domes, is focused on the vital role of bats as pollinators, seed-dispersers, and insect-eaters. Activities are planned for children, families, educators, and conservation professionals. Ready to greet visitors will be the world’s largest bat, the Malayan Flying Fox—with a six-foot wingspan.
One of the most important topics of the day will be the race to save North American bats from potential extinction from white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease. In 2016, reports indicated that the disease was starting to decimate the state’s bat populations.
Day and evening components of the event are included with regular admission. Visitors attending only the evening program will also pay regular admission.
Hours / Admission
Hours of The Domes are Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.; Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Regular admission for adults age 18 and over is $7; Milwaukee County Seniors with ID, persons with disabilities, students of any age with ID, and youth age 6–17 are $5; and children 5 and under are admitted for free. In addition, Milwaukee County Residents with proof of residency receive free admission on Mondays, from 9 a.m.–noon, excluding the celebration of major holidays.