Protestors March To Oppose Trump and Cruz in Milwaukee
GOP Presidential Candidates Greeted by Protestors
MILWAUKEE – Demonstrators assembled outside of the CNN GOP town hall event in downtown Milwaukee this week. A large group of protesters made its way from the city’s south side to the Riverside Theater.
Protesters marched and gathered on the corner of Wisconsin and Plankinton.
The protestors gathered to shout down the hate speech they say Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have been espousing against the immigrant community during their campaign for President of the United States.
Protestors wanted to remind Trump and Cruz that America is a nation founded by immigrants.
The protesters were peaceful and loud and they were hoping that the GOP presidential candidates heard their calls demanding that they stop spreading their message of hate against immigrants.
Many protestors took control of the street near the town hall event saying that the police were on their side during the demonstration.
In Janesville, Wisconsin protesters greeted Donald Trump during a rally he attended there on Tuesday afternoon.
The CNN presidential GOP town hall event took place in Milwaukee without incident.