En otras noticias militares, el periódico del Ejército estadounidense, Stars and Stripes, informa que la coalición internacional liderada por Estados Unidos en Afganistán está construyendo nuevas estructuras reforzadas permanentes en la capital afgana, Kabul. Este hecho representa el indicio más reciente de que la guerra, que lleva ya 17 años, no llegará a su fin en un futuro cercano. La Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte está haciendo llamados a licitación para construir en sus instalaciones un gran centro de control y comando de concreto.
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Spanish Journal
The Spanish Journal offers its readers a bilingual publication with local news, public information, sports, Spanish T.V. guide, movie review, religion, community events, food recipes, community calendar, classified, and monthly housing supplement, etc., which makes the newspaper a primary source of information. The Spanish Journal, Wisconsin’s largest leading weekly Hispanic publication with a circulation that reaches the Hispanic communities in Milwaukee, Green Bay, Kenosha, Racine, Waukesha and their surrounding suburbs. This is the perfect vehicle you need to reach the Hispanic consumers in Southeastern Wisconsin especially the Kenosha and Racine area. The Hispanic market is the fastest growing market in the United States, traditionally; Hispanics have strong family values and are known to devote their economic resources on products they are familiar with. In return, they spend billions of dollars each year on visible products in their community that have a direct or indirect impact on their lives.