Crying Children Plea for Walker to Keep Family Together
Plainfield, Iowa – Presidential candidate and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was campaigning in Plainfield, Iowa last week, courting support for his bid to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States.
While walking on the streets of Plainfield Walker was met by Jose Flores, an undocumented immigrant frim Wisconsin who was accompanied by his 13-year-old daughter Leslie and 7-year-old son Luis, both are United States naturalized citizens.
Walker walked up to Mr. Flores and was immediately asked by Leslie “Why are you trying to break my family apart?”
Walker immediately started to speak directly to Jose Flores shaking his hand and replied that he completely sympathize with the situation the Flores family was facing but would not explain why he did not support deferred action.
Walker was QUOTED as saying: “The fact is, we’re a nation of laws. And unfortunately, the president last year, after saying 22 times before last year that he couldn’t make the law himself, he said he wasn’t the emperor, he was the president of the United States and he couldn’t change the law, he decided to change the law even though the courts announced that you can’t do that.”.
The Flores famIly from Waukesha, Wisconsin was sponsored to be there with the financial support of the immigrant rights advocacy group, Voices de la Frontera.
Because Walker, and other governors, filed suit against Obama, who moved executive action to allow undocumented citizens deferred status, granting certain undocumented immigrants temporary legal status which would end any effort to deport undocumented immigrants like Jose Flores.
The Flores family fear deportation of their father because of Walkers suit preventing Obama’s executive action from being implemented.
Walker said, “I support the lawsuit because I believe the president can’t be above the law”.
Walker then left the family leaving a crying Leslie and Luis in his wake.