What a difference a week makes. Just last week I was trumpeting Lesnar as the greatest thing since sliced bread, an outlier, a one-of-a-kind athlete that put all other athletes to shame. I praised Lesnar’s ability to come back to fighting after five years off and destroy someone of Mark Hunt’s ilk. I commended Lesnar for his business acumen and mentioned how much money he stood to make after merging the two worlds of real and fake fighting. I said all of thesethings right before it was announced that Lesnar had tested positive for performance enhancing drugs. Though it is currently unclear what Lesnar tested positive for, it has been reported to be an estrogen blocker.
What a fall from grace. He had inserted himself into the heavyweight title picture once again, could you imagine someone holding the WWE championship and the UFC championship at the same time? Lesnar famously said that “Brock Lesnar does what Brock Lesnar wants” after the Hunt fight, apparently he thought that extended to failing drug tests. If you want to learn ways to pass a drug screening visit https://syntheticurinereview.com/quick-fix-plus/.
One thing that always baffles me is how unwilling the public is to seeing how big of a problem performance enhancing drugs are in all sports. Fans like to think that the people that get caught are the only ones cheating, but how many professional athletes would cheat if they knew they were going to get caught? The ones who get caught were either too stupid to get away with it or their “Doctor” prescribed them something s/he shouldn’t have. Are people really that naive to think that Lesnar just happened to cheat for the first time this fight, just happened to cheat before a fight that wasn’t as important as his title opportunities or defenses? Either way, Lesnar got caught and now he will likely never make another return to the cage.
The interesting part is whether or not WWE decides to suspend him for 30 days as they always do for people who violate the wellness policy. It wasn’t a test that they administered, and I am not sure of the legalities in their contracts with talent, but I’d imagine they have to suspend him even though it would mean his absence from their second biggest show every year, Summerslam. Lesnar is a prideful man, does he even want to return to the WWE and risk getting negative reactions from the often hostile WWE crowds? Only Brock knows, I guess. The WWE fans are hard to predict, and with Brock being such a fan favorite it would be hard to imagine him getting jeered while in the ring, but at the same time it is hard to imagine a person who took steroids not get jeered while in the ring.
When asked about steroids prior to UFC 200, Lesnar said he was a “jacked white boy, deal with it”, but I guess he should’ve been more specific. Maybe “I am a jacked white boy who takes performance enhancers, deal with it” is what he is telling Vince McMahon right now.
Good luck with that, Brock.