The below if from Democratic Party of Wisconsin regional organizing director Searcy Williams Milwaukee, are you registered to vote?
I’m checking in again because Hillary Clinton is still working on achieving her nationwide voter mobilization goal to sign up 3 million Americans to register or commit to vote. It’s huge! And if you agree, I’m here to help.
Since I started on the ground here in Milwaukee for the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, I’ve been eating, sleeping, and breathing voter engagement. I’m passionate about getting Wisconsinites to talk to their neighbors about the clear choice in this election and making sure they commit to vote this November. That’s why I’m so excited that Democrats across the countrywill be talking to their neighbors about Hillary Clinton’s belief that we are stronger together.
We know that as Democrats, when more people participate, we win.
Hillary believes we can either come together to tackle the big challenges facing the country or let Donald Trump keep tearing us apart with his divisive rhetoric and dangerous ideas. Donald Trump has shown that he is temperamentally unfit and unqualified to be president. He will tear this country apart and do serious harm to our security and our economy. At a time when Americans are looking for a president who can bring people together, Donald Trump has done nothing but divide us, tearing people down with hateful rhetoric, bigoted policy proposals and bullying and demeaning anyone who disagrees with him.
Donald Trump asked us this week what we had to lose by voting for him. I say, quite a bit.
Now more than ever it’s important that we continue engaging our communities in the electoral process. Your voice is your vote. We have to make sure that in this election, we say loud and clear that Donald Trump is not qualified to be our president, that he is not a role model for our kids. This is the most important election of our lifetime and the stakes could not be higher. We must make sure that our community registers, turns out, and votes.
To accomplish this 3 million goal, we need your help. We need you to step up and speak out. Stop by our office at 2701 N Dr Martin Luther King Jr Drive in Milwaukee or go online and find out about upcoming events at Come help us communicate the importance of this election our neighbors. Help us make sure everyone has the information they need to vote on November 7. We won’t get to 3 million alone – I need you in this effort. Wisconsin needs you. Let’s get every soul to the polls this year to make sure Hillary Clinton is our next president.