Milwaukee – Earlier this month, Alderman Terry Witkowski of the 13th Aldermanic District in Milwaukee’s south side, was one of two out of five south side aldermen who voted for the Milwaukee downtown streetcar, Alderman Jose G. Perez of the 12th district was the other who voted to support the mayor.
Recently, Christopher Wiken, 45, announced his candidacy to run for the 13th District aldermanic seat, currently held by incumbent Terry Witkowski. The district includes General Mitchell International Airport, much of the 27th Street business corridor and the southernmost edge of the City of Milwaukee.
“The voters of the district deserve an elected official who represents their interests, understands the needs of their community, will listen to them and not be bullied by outside interests,” said Wiken.
Wiken’s is seen as a strong candidate, he is second-generation owner of Milwaukee’s famous The Packing House Restaurant, a very popular family owned restaurant in the district.
“The streets in Milwaukee are cratered with potholes, our fire department is faced with brown-outs risking injury and loss of life, our public school system is not producing enough graduates and Milwaukee was just rated the second poorest city in the nation, right behind Detroit,” said Wiken. “The people of Milwaukee need to take back their city or risk succumbing to the collapse of all the hard work and effort of people like my parents who built a wonderful business, provided good jobs and were proud to be part of the fabric of Milwaukee.”
Wiken has selected Mark Borkowski, who currently represents the 11th District on the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, to be his campaign treasurer. Borkowski is the longest tenured supervisor on the current board having served 22 years.