Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson and his wife Dominique today teamed up with the Milwaukee Diaper Mission (MDM) and Hayat Pharmacy to distribute thousands of free diapers during a diaper drive-through event on the city’s South Side to help mark National Diaper Need Awareness Week.
“The Milwaukee Diaper Mission is making a real impact by helping hundreds of families in an important and rarely talked about way,” said Dominique Johnson, the mayor’s wife, who also noted that she and the Mayor’s family includes three children of their own. “Cavalier and I know first-hand how fast a family can go through diapers, so we appreciate the importance of having access to a supply of clean diapers. I am pleased to be involved in this effort.”
“Everyone in Milwaukee deserves to be clean, healthy, and happy, and having fresh diapers is a necessity, not a luxury,” said Mayor Johnson, who assisted along with his wife in the distribution program held at Hayat’s headquarters on W. Layton Ave. “I applaud the Milwaukee Diaper Mission and Hayat Pharmacy for the positive work they are doing in our city, and Domonique and I are pleased to assist in this important community effort.” During the event, an estimated 12,000 diapers are expected to be distributed free on a first come, first served basis, said Meagan Johnson, MDM executive director and co-founder with her cousin Jessica Syburg.
“Every day, families in Milwaukee are faced with critical choices in taking care of their families. Clean diapers are not a choice. They are a necessity. Research has showed that the lack of clean diapers is linked to negative health outcomes for infants, inadequate early childhood education, and absenteeism from work for parents,” Meagan Johnson added. “Our goal at Milwaukee Diaper Mission is aimed at addressing this problem, and we are honored to have the Mayor and his wife help.”
Meagan Johnson also singled out Hayat for its community outreach efforts and noted that the two worked together earlier this year to help address the baby formula shortage by distributing free baby formula to local residents. “Hayat Pharmacy has a record of doing the right thing in the community, and we are pleased to partner with them on this important effort,” Meagan Johnson said. “Hayat did a great job on testing and immunizing during the height of the pandemic, and their support of our diaper mission and baby formula outreach help a lot. It’s great to have Hayat as a partner in our efforts to make Milwaukee a better place to live and raise a family.”
Mayor Johnson also praised Hayat for its efforts both on the diaper distribution program and its COVID outreach efforts. “Milwaukee is a better city because of the work Hayat does, and I appreciate their efforts to help Milwaukee be a healthier community,” the Mayor added.
Tamir Kaloti, President of Hayat, noted that building strong community relationships is an important part of Hayat’s mission. “Hayat is committed to giving back to the City of Milwaukee and helping make a great community even better,” Kaloti said. “We are pleased to partner with the Milwaukee Diaper Mission and honored to have Mayor Johnson and his wife Dominique be a part of this effort. We look forward to future partnership opportunities where we can work together to do even more to make Milwaukee a healthier and more livable city.”