Milwaukee – After releasing a Request for Proposal (RFP) a couple of months ago, The Milwaukee Public Library (MPL) has received proposals from developers who want to partner with MPL to work on developing a mixed-use Forest Home library.
MPL is seeking to develop a 21st-century technology-rich library for residents that will also improve the economic vitality of the neighborhood. In addition, MPL wants to elevate the library’s presence in the community.
“Libraries are and will continue to be a funding priority,” said Mayor Tom Barrett. “An investment in our libraries is an investment in building a strong Milwaukee with vibrant neighborhoods and business districts. Our libraries are the places where we develop lifelong learners starting from birth. They are the places where people connect to each other and to jobs and possibilities. By 2020, we’ll have replaced or updated our entire branch system with 21st century, technology-rich facilities many of which will be part of a multi-use facility.”
Mayor Tom Barrett, the Milwaukee Common Council and the Library Board of Trustees have identified $18 million for the library redevelopment project. MPL anticipates spending $4.5 million on each of the four libraries slated for redevelopment – Forest Home, Mill Road, Capitol and Martin Luther King. The renovation is currently in the design phase and will begin construction in early 2015. The total amount budgeted for the libraries is $22.4 million.
This week, residents were able to give their opinions on two proposals submitted to MPL at a meeting of the Library Development and Building Committee.
Residents were able to give their thoughts on two RFP proposals submitted for the redevelopment of the Forest Home library from two developer teams: Cardinal Capital and Journey House; and Gorman USA, Mitchell Investment Properties and VJS Construction.
Cardinal Capital and Journey House developer team propose a mixed-use development with 51 units affordable housing (24 for youth aging out of foster care), a 16,500 sq ft library and dedicated on-site parking for library users by tearing down a Dental Associates building and rebuilding on the site located at 1135 S. Cesar Chavez Drive.
Gorman USA, Mitchell Investment Properties and VJS Construction developer team propose a mixed-use development with 33 units of affordable housing, a 15,000 sq ft library and dedicated on-site parking for library users by renovating the “Hills Building” at 930 W. Mitchell St.
Milwaukee County Supervisor Peggy Romo West attended the meeting and stated she was impressed with the proposals submitted. “It was a fantastic effort by all involved to not only get this much needed development going, but to get the involvement of residents in the area as well”.
When asked which proposal she liked best, Supervisor Romo West said, ” I think the revitalization of the Hills building would be great and that could really boost Mitchell Street’s profile”.
A decision on which proposal will be accepted will be made in the coming weeks by MPL.