KENOSHA – Kenosha’s City Council heard from the father of Michael E. Bell, 21, who was slain by Kenosha law enforcement 14 years ago.
Michael M. Bell was joined by a dozen picket sign-carrying protesters, pleaded to the Council to reopen an investigation into the fatal shooting of his son by Kenosha police.
The City Council approved a $12,500 settlement for a federal lawsuit involving two Kenosha Police Department officers.
Yolanda Santos-Adams, a member of the League of United Latin American Citizens as well as the Kenosha branch of the NAACP, spoke on behalf of the protesters.
Santos-Adams said that “a new, fresh investigation” is what “this family deserves and that the community deserves that” as well.
She spoke of her own family’s history of dealing with excessive police force that affected her father and her sons.
Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley and Mayor John Antaramian have steadfastly refused to reopen an investigation.
The Bell matter was not on the Council’s agenda. So, aldermen took no action on it.