MILWAUKEE – Milwaukee County Department of Health and Human Services Director Hector Colon has fought many battles in the ring and outside of the ring, but it seems his biggest battle to date is to get reappointed as the head of the Milwaukee County Department of Health & Human services.
The board votes to reappoint Colon this week in the midst of many of Colon’s broad supportive coalition of supporters who are publicly advocating for Colon’s reappointment.
Dozens of people wrote in favor of Colon and many spoke on his behalf during a county committee meeting that voted against his reappointment last week. Several county board members spoke as well, saying they were torn going into next week’s vote because their constituents wanted them to vote no.
Those supporting Colon include current and former state and local elected officials such as Mayor Tom Barrett, District Attorney John Chisholm, and former Gov. Jim Doyle, leaders of community and advocacy organizations such as the Urban League of Milwaukee and Disability Rights Wisconsin, business leaders, and residents. As well, Colon has received editorial endorsements from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Milwaukee Courier, and the Wisconsin Gazette.
A last minute deal was negotiated and is on the table according to County Supervisor Peggy West.
The terms of the deal included a compromise in the number of years Colon would serve as head of the county DHH from four years to two years.
“The matter is in Abele’s hands,” said West.
As of print time at the Spanish Journal the county board has not voted on the matter.