Milwaukee – On a single day this fall, people throughout the four-county region will gather in small groups to share a meal and engage in meaningful conversation about the individual and collective measures we can take to improve the quality of life in our community. The Greater Milwaukee Foundation invites everyone in the region to be a civic leader on Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2017, by hosting or joining a discussion as part of On the Table Greater Milwaukee – a unique opportunity to build relationships, generate ideas and ignite action for the benefit of our community and its future.
“On the Table offers a welcoming, accessible way for any and all people in our community to contribute their ideas and energy toward advancing a more vibrant and connected region,” said Ellen Gilligan, president and CEO of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. “Strong relationships strengthen community, and this effort will build the types of relationships that lead to collaborative action and positive change.”
The initiative works by individual hosts inviting a small group of people to a mealtime conversation taking place any time on Oct. 17 to discuss community issues that matter most to them. Anyone can register to host, and who they invite to their table of 8-12 is entirely up to them.
While conversation starters will be available, each table has complete discretion over the topics they choose to discuss. These conversations – over breakfast, lunch, dinner or anything in between – can take place nearly anywhere, including homes, restaurants, coffee shops, libraries, places of worship, places of business, community centers or parks. Hosts will determine the location and nature of the meal so that it works best for their small group. Participants will be encouraged to document their conversation, identify next steps and contribute feedback that may further communitywide goals.
The Foundation will help share knowledge, ideas and outcomes that surface through On the Table. In addition, social media users will be able to engage in the ongoing discussion by interacting with the #onthetableMKE hashtag.
Registration is now open for hosts at, and a variety of host resources are available. Organizations can also learn how they may serve as “super hosts” by committing to convene three or more tables.
Already, the Foundation is collaborating with partner foundations in Ozaukee, Washington and Waukesha counties – the Greater Cedarburg Foundation, the West Bend Community Foundation and the Oconomowoc Area Foundation – to maximize the initiative’s reach.
Questions can be directed to or (414) 376-8253. For more information, visit