The Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission has an immediate opening for a senior engineer or planner with an interest in transit planning and transportation planning. The Senior Transportation Planner/Engineer will assist in conducting transit development plans and public transit/human services coordination plans. The position will also include assisting local units of government and transit operators in the Region with the allocation of federal funds, meeting federal regulations and guidance, and studying transit-related challenges and opportunities upon request. Transit planning efforts require the Planner/Engineer to perform data collection and analysis, apply specialized transportation planning and engineering software, write planning reports, and prepare graphics. Depending on the experience of the candidates, this position may be filled at the Principal level.
The Commission conducts area-wide system level highway, transit, and bicycle/pedestrian planning for a seven-county Region, and facility and corridor-level traffic engineering and transportation planning for local governments. The Commission recently completed VISION 2050, Southeastern Wisconsin’s new long-range land use and transportation plan. The transportation component of that plan includes recommendations for a significant expansion of transit service in Southeastern Wisconsin, and the work of the Senior Transportation Planner/Engineer will be focused on furthering the implementation of that transit expansion.
A master’s degree in civil engineering or urban planning plus three years of transportation engineering or planning experience is preferred, while a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering or urban planning and three years of transportation engineering or planning experience are required.
The ideal candidate would have most—or all—of the following:
• Transit planning experience at a MPO, COG, RPC, or consulting firm; or in the planning department of a transit agency
• Experience with producing transit development plans or other transit studies
• Working knowledge of Federal Transit Administration funding programs and associated requirements
• Strong written and verbal communication skills
• Familiarity with ArcGIS or other GIS software
• Familiarity with MS Excel or other spreadsheet software
• Familiarity with MS Access or other database software
Please submit resume and cover letter by March 17, 2017. Submissions should be directed to:
Ms. Elizabeth A. Larsen, Assistant Director—Administration
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
PO Box 1607
Waukesha, WI 53187-1607
Phone: (262) 547-6721
Fax: (262) 547-1103