Milwaukee – Alderman Bob Donovan expressed concerns about comments made by Mayor Barrett “concerning the safety of drinking water service for hundreds of thousands of Milwaukee residents.”
Donovan is planning to schedule meetings of the Public Safety Committee to discuss this potentially dangerous situation involving Milwaukee’s water supply and will be inviting the Mayor to speak on the matter.
“According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, during a public forum on drinking water at the Marquette University Law School this morning, the mayor said anyone living in a Milwaukee residence constructed prior to 1951 should consider getting a faucet filter that can remove lead from drinking water”, said Donovan in a statement released by his office.
Donovan states that after a scientist and professor from Virginia Tech spoke at the Marquette University water conference, Donovan Donovan could not ignore the statement made by the scientist who said “no one should consider Milwaukee’s water 100% safe to drink as long as lead pipes are present.”
“To the mayor and the administration: Why aren’t we warning residents about this danger?”, said Donovan
“The public safety of our citizens is paramount, and I will be inviting the mayor to come before the Public Safety Committee to explain this situation in detail”, Donovan continued.