Familia de Hombre Asesinado por Oficial de Wisconsin pide Justicia
WAUWATOSA, Wis. – Familiares y amigos pidieron justicia para Jay Anderson Jr. el sábado en el parque donde fue asesinado hace cinco años por un oficial de policía de Wauwatosa. El oficial Joseph Mensah le disparó a Anderson en junio de 2016 después de que encontró a Anderson durmiendo en su auto después de horas en Madison Park. Dijo que disparó cuando Anderson tomó una pistola en el asiento del pasajero. Mensah fue absuelto de cualquier delito, pero un juez del condado de Milwaukee retrasó recientemente su decisión sobre si eludir a los fiscales y encontrar una causa probable para acusarlo. Los asistentes al evento del sábado dijeron que nunca abandonarán la protesta y siempre honrarán la vida de Anderson, informó WTMJ-TV. Anderson fue la segundo de las tres personas que Mensah mató durante un período de cinco años en el Departamento de Policía de Wauwatosa. El fiscal de distrito del condado de Milwaukee, John Chisholm, absolvió a Mensah de los delitos penales en cada caso. Mensah es ahora ayudante del alguacil del condado de Waukesha.
Statement by Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett on the 2024 Democratic National Convention:
Based on its designation of Milwaukee as the 2020 convention host, the Democratic National Committee certainly has a positive impression of our city. I appreciate the invitation they’ve extended, and I will answer that Milwaukee remains interested in being a national political convention site. The formal process of assembling a bid for the 2024 Democratic National Convention requires quite a number of partners here in Milwaukee, and I will be consulting with those partners as we make decisions about moving forward.”
Mayor Barrett thank Phoenix Mayor Gallego for Local Gifts
MILWAUKEE—On Thursday June 29, Mayor Tom Barrett publicly thanked Mayor Kate Gallego for local gifts from the City of Phoenix as part of the friendly NBA Finals bet between the two cities.
Resources still available for residents as eviction moratorium Ends
On Saturday, July 31, the federally instituted moratorium on evictions for those unable to pay their rent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic was lifted. Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs wants local residents to be aware of this change, and prepare to take appropriate steps should additional support be needed. A full slate of housing referrals via the City can be found online at: https://city.milwaukee.gov/Strong/HousingHelp.
“The eviction moratorium supported many families during the pandemic, but now with that option no longer available, residents must not wait to take action should they still be in need of support,” said Alderwoman Coggs. “There are many local organizations and programs available to help those in need, and I ask everyone to share this info with friends, family or neighbors who could benefit.”
Other organizations that can provide housing support include:-
Social Development Commission’s Milwaukee Emergency Rent Assistance program: https://www.cr-sdc.org/services/mera or (414) 906-2700
The Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center online at www.renthelpmke.org, by phone at (414) 895-7368 or email info@renthelpmke.org.
Community Advocates at www.communityadvocates.net, (414) 270-4646 or renthelp@communityadvocates.net.
Take Root Milwaukee for assistance with mortgage issues/foreclosure: https://takerootmilwaukee.com/ or (414) 921-4149.
Housing Resources, Inc.: https://hri-wi.org/ or (414) 461-6330